2013 Haul Out

June 2013

We would like to send a HUGE thank you to all of the donors that donated towards the 2011-2012 Capital Campaign in order to install these newer, greener engines.  Without you, this would have never been possible.

We would also like to take time to thank everyone that helped us with the installation of the engines.  We are grateful for all of your hard work!

May 24, 2013

Launch Day!  The day has finally come to return R/V Stenella back home to the open water!  And just in time for the 2013 field season!  Watch the videos below to see the process of lifting R/V Stenella and returning her home.  Enjoy!

Stenella Returning Home

Stenella Returning Home 2

Stenella Returning Home 3

May 18, 2013

Here are some more photos from the refit of the boat engines.  Enjoy and stay tuned for more photos and video!



Working on the hull of the boat before the engine is installed


One of our newer, greener engines being lifted into place!


Trying to figure out where the controls for the new engines will be placed


The guys working hard to install one of the new engines

April 11, 2013

Here are some http://www.eta-i.org/ambien.html photos and videos of the port side engine being installed.  We now have both engines in place and can’t wait to see R/V Stenella in the water again!


Installing one of the engines on the port side


Captain Pete steadying the engine as it is lowered


Port Side Engine Install – Engine being lifted from the pallet to be installed

Port Side Engine 2 – Engine being lifted from the pallet to be installed

Port Side Engine 3 – Engine being lowered into place on the port side of R/V Stenella


January 29, 2013

Here are some photos of one of our new engines installed!  We are very excited to see one in already and we can’t wait for both of them to be installed and ready to go.  Stay tuned for more video of the other engine being installed.

One of our new engines installed in R/V Stenella!

Here is the engine installed in the starboard hull.  We had to remove the welding around the hatch covers in order to get the engine in.

Captain Pete with a big smile!

This is the old engine getting ready to be moved to its new home!

January 8, 2013

Below is a video of our research vessel, Stenella, dry docked so we can install our newer, greener engines.  Beside our boat, we rented a “Pod” to store our old/new engines in until the installation.  Enjoy!

R/V Stenella & POD

January 3, 2013


2013 is starting out to be a very good year for the Wild Dolphin Project.  In late 2012 we were able to raise enough funds to start our engine refit this winter.  We are giving our research vessel, R/V/ Stenella, cleaner and greener engines.  Here is a short video and a few pictures showing the process of hauling our boat out of the water to start the work.  And stay tuned for more updates, as the next two months will be full of changes and improvements for our boat.


Dr. Denise L Herzing, Founder and Research Director, WDP

Click below to see some videos of R/V Stenella being hauled out of the water:

Boat Haul 2013

R/V Stenella coming in to be hauled out.

R/V Stenella getting hauled out of the water.


Capt. Pete with Chuck & Andy.

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