2023 Wild Ocean Science features Carl Safina
Carl Safina presented "Animal Minds, Animal Cultures" at Wild Ocean Science on Saturday, February 25th. Our 6th annual signature event, Wild Ocean Science, took place at Eissey Campus Theatre in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Carl is a New York Times best-selling author and host of PBS’ “Saving the Ocean”. You might have read his books, “Becoming Wild”, “Beyond Words”, or “Song for the Blue Ocean”. Journalist and PBS Newshour Correspondent, Miles O’Brien, was the special guest host and master of ceremonies. Research Director and Founder of The Wild Dolphin Project, Dr. Denise Herzing, was available for photos and book signing. All proceeds from Wild Ocean Science benefit The Wild Dolphin Project’s efforts to learn more about the dolphins and the environment in which they live. The more we learn, the better equipped we are to help protect them “In Their World...On Their Terms.”
2022 Wild Ocean Science: Tom Fitz presents Science & Filmmaking, a natural partnership
Download our virtual program.
Hosted by special guest, Miles O'Brien, PBS NewsHour Correspondence and independent American broadcast journalist specializing in science, technology, and aerospace.
Thank you to our generous sponsors! Nic Mader and other anonymous sponsors, Axel Stepan, Farley Rentschler, Linda Castell, Lureen Ferretti, Liam Groth, Southeastern Printing, Port of Palm Beach, South Florida Underwater Photography Society, Mastiff Inc., Focused on Nature, La Goulue, Sanctuary Medical Center, Sanctuary Plastic Surgery, Pegasus Foundation, Revenge Rum, Palm Beach Chauffeur Service, Jay Garbose Underwater Video, Succeed Real Estate, Schoolyard Films, and South Beach Brewing Company.
For 2023 sponsorship opportunities call 561.575.5660 or email wildoceanscience@wilddolphinproject.org
2022 Photo Gallery
Tom Fitz, Farley Rentschler, Miles O'Brien
Denise Herzing and Tracy Siani
Thank you Revenge Rum, you rock!
Melissa Infante, Allison Sanchez, Barbara Whiteside, Cassie Volker-Rusche
Brenda VanderMije and Judy Schrafft
Jay Garbose and Tom Fitz
Denise Herzing, Ivi Kimmel, Miles O'Brien, Ruth Petzold
Volunteer Brian Rusche helps guests as they browse WDP merchandise
Anthony Bailey, Farley Rentschler, Miles O'Brien, Denise Herzing
Denise Herzing and Celeste Hartman
Dr. Herzing signing a book for Celeste Hartman
Denise Herzing and Tom Fitz
Denise Herzing, Nic Mader, Tom Fitz
Dr. Herzing signing books for guests
Tom Fitz and Miles O'Brien
Tom Fitz and Denise Herzing
Denise Herzing signing books for a guest
Lori Saar and Denise Herzing
Brian Rusche, Theresa Carlsen, and Candy Lenney
Guests browsing the catering table
Captain Brad Ruda and volunteer Allison Sanchez
Guest photos
A group of local students from the Gale Academy
Denise Herzing signing her book "Dolphin Diaries"
David Black and Amy Bohrod meet Dr. Denise Herzing
Amy Bohrod and Denise Herzing
Denise Herzing and Ruth Samuels
Lori Saar and Suzanne Friend
Barbara Whiteside and Anamaria Restrepo
Ruth Samuels and a print she donated for the event
Guests browsing WDP merchandise tables
Denise Herzing and Marcia Spanick
Matthew Williams, Melissa Infante, and Chris Morris
Denise Herzing and Marsha Coates
Lori Saar, Denise Herzing and Marsha Coates
Guests inquiring about joining a research trip
Denise Herzing, Ivi Kimmel, Miles O'Brien, Ruth Petzold
Tanya Burnett, Miles O'Brien, Suzi Tobias
Farley Rentschler, Denise Herzing, Tanya Burnett, Miles O'Brien, Suzi Tobias
A group of local students with Denise Herzing and James Garbose
Lori Saar, Denise Herzing, Suzanne Friend, and Steve Saar
A group of local students from the Gale Academy
Lori Saar and Suzanne Friend
Denise Herzing and Marsha Coates
Lori Saar, Denise Herzing and Marsha Coates
Patricia Weyer and Denise Herzing
Thank you Sanctuary Medical and Sanctuary Plastic Surgery for your support!
Master of Ceremonies, Miles O'Brien
Tom Fitz
Tom Fitz presents, "Filmmaking & Science: a natural partnership"
Open discussion with Miles O'Brien, Tom Fitz, Denise Herzing
Questions from the audience
Questions from the audience
Door prize winner!
Melissa Infante announces the raffle winners
Cassie Volker-Rusche and the winner of the Jupiter Square Grouper Gift certificate and merch
Candy Lenney, winner of the Lane Spa gift certificate, and Cassie Volker-Rusche
Captain Brad Ruda is excited to meet the winner of "Beers with Brad" sponsored by Barbara Whiteside
James Garbose, winner of the sea horse water color print donated by Amber M. Moran, and Cassie Volker-Rusche
Winner of the Florida Freedivers gear and merch
Winner of the seaturtle platter donated by Kim Rody Creations and Brad Ruda
Brad Ruda and Ruth Samuels, winner of a print donated by Ruth Petzold
Theresa Carlsen, winner of the WDP kid's basket, and Cassie Volker-Rusche
Nicole Principe is the winner of the autographed book "Becoming Wild" by Carl Safina and Brad Ruda
This lucky guy won TWO prints, donated by Ruth Samuels (left) and Craig Dietrich (right)
Two lucky ladies are the winners of "Beers with Brad" and a whiskey basket
Kathy Reynolds and Brad Ruda
Door prize winner!
Thank you, volunteers, for making this event possible!
Sunday boat rides for sponsors and volunteers
Candy Lenney, Mary Beth Hollien, and Theresa Carlsen
Mary Beth Hollien, Candy Lenney, Theresa Carlsen, and Brad Ruda
Theresa Carlsen and Denise Herzing
2021 Wild Ocean Science: BIOLOGY
The Wild Dolphin Project hosted a virtual 2021 fall event "Wild Ocean Science: BIOLOGY" Saturday, October 9th. The Wild Dolphin Project gave an update from the 2021 field season followed by exclusive presentations examining the many avenues in which studying biology helps us learn more about the animals in the wild. The live on youtube recording can be found HERE. An edited version will be available soon.
- The big move... and beyond. Research Associate Dr. Cindy Elliser explained how the social relationships of the dolphins have changed since the initial displacement event, and how assimilation into a new community takes time. Follow Dr. Elliser and her project Pacific Mammal Research www.pacmam.org.
- Recent graduate Brittini Hill discussed her master’s thesis research on immigrant dolphins and their changing home range characteristics and use. Learn more HERE.
- Hidden information...Research Associate Dr. Michelle Green details how DNA hidden in dolphin fecal samples tells the tale of genetic relationships among the dolphins. Learn more HERE.
- What can we learn about dolphins from the air? Liah McPherson explains how drones are transforming marine mammal science, from behavioral studies in the Bahamas to population health assessments in Hawaiʻi. Watch THIS.
2021 Wild Ocean Science: TECHNOLOGY
Watch the recorded version on YouTube HERE
The Wild Dolphin Project's 2021 spring event "Wild Ocean Science: TECHNOLOGY" looks at the latest research methods implemented to help "Crack the Code" of dolphin communication focusing on the the use of technology in scientific fieldwork.
First, an overview of the Wild Dolphin Project's history and the progress made during the past 35+ years is given then exclusive presentations from colleagues examine the future direction of this hybrid: science and technology. Then we dive deep for in-depth presentations from colleagues and collaborators.
WDP's Research Assistant, Cassie Ruche, will explain the new technology we are using to help find dolphins after 2013's "Big Move". Special guest, Drew Mayer, showcases the 360 camera and illustrates the new perspectives that can be gained from this technology. Dr. Matthias Hoffmann-Kuhnt explains how a uniquely designed underwater mobile triangulation device, ASPOD, tracks and localizes dolphin vocalizations aiding in our understanding of dolphin communication. Dr. Thad Starner and Dr. Denise Herzing will give an update on two initiatives: Using machine learning algorithms to discover patterns in dolphin sounds and utilizing an underwater computer interface to explore two-way communication between dolphins and the researchers. Visit "Our Team" page for speaker bios.
Hosted by special guest, Miles O'Brien, PBS NewsHour Correspondence and independent American broadcast journalist specializing in science, technology, and aerospace.
For offline donations call 561.575.5660 or email wildoceanscience@wilddolphinproject.org
Wild Ocean Science 2020
Guest Speaker: Legendary Oceanographer, Dr. Sylvia Earle
Guest Host: PBS NewsHour Correspondent and independent American broadcast news journalist, Miles O'Brien
Sponsorship opportunities are available! Call 561.575.5660 or Email wildoceanscience@gmail.com
More about Dr. Sylvia Earle:
- 1989 "Her Deepness" New Yorker
- 2000 named "Living Legend" by Library of Congress
- 2009 TED Talk - "My wish: Protect our oceans"
- 2014 "Mission Blue" on Netflix
- 2017 Sylvia Earle on How She Became the First Woman To Be Chief Scientist of U.S. NOAA - Time
- 2019 - Marine Biologist Sylvia Earle on why the ocean matters - PBS NewsHour
- Hope Spots
Wild Ocean Science 2019
When: Saturday, March 2, 2019 5:00 - 8:00pm
Where: Eissey Campus Theatre 11051 Campus Drive. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
Guest Speaker: Brian Skerry, National Geographic Photographer and photojournalist specializing in marine wildlife
Guest Host: Miles O'Brien, PBS NewsHour Correspondent and independent American broadcast news journalist
We appreciate support from the following:
Sponsors: Watermen for Life, Nicole Mader, Tracy Siani, Patricia Leigh & Patricia Weyer, Howard A. Green, M.D., Brown & Brown Marine Insurance, Captiva Spine, Southeastern Printing, Guanabanas Restaurant, Mr. & Mrs. Axel Stepan, Publix, 4Imprint, Old Port Cove - A Safe Harbor Marina, and Infinite Women Self Defense.
Student Sponsors: Jay Garbose Underwater Video, Lisa Fast, The Port of Palm Beach, and Mr. & Mrs. Axel Stepan
Vendors: Watermen for Life, Force-E Scuba, Reef Photo, Lureen Ferretti Photography
Raffle items donated by: Shiny Sheets, Craig Dietrich Underwater Photography, Island Exposure, Bethany Augliere Wildlife Photography, Focused on Nature, Ruth Petzold Photography, Blueline Surf & Paddle Co, Bolay, Blackbird Jewelry, MANG, Trader Joe's, La Fogata, Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza, Professional Images, Lureen Ferretti Photography, Shark Team One, Blue Marlin Restaurant, The Lane Spa, Florida Freedivers, Scuba Works, Jupiter Drift Divers, photographs from WDP Research Assistant, Cassie Volker, and WDP Graduate Student, Liah McPherson, and Bahamas Paradise Cruise Lines.
Event Photographer: Sandra Effertz Photography
View photos in this video!
Wild Ocean Science 2018
When: Saturday, March 24, 2018
Where: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU 5353 Parkside Drive, Jupiter, Florida 33458
Guest Speaker: South Florida PBS' Changing Seas Premier of Episode, "Dolphins: Breaking the Code"
Guest Host: Miles O'Brien
Our first annual event, "Wild Ocean Science", was a success! Over 200 people were in attendance filling the lobby area of the Osher Lifelong Learning Center at FAU in Jupiter. A beautiful slideshow by photographer, Hussain Aga Khan, donated by his foundation, Focused on Nature, played in the auditorium while guests enjoyed refreshments, browsed the raffle and silent auction tables, had their book signed by Dr. Herzing, perused our sunshirts and t-shirts, and mingled with friends. As the event got underway, special guest host Miles O'Brien introduced the premiering film, "Dolphins: Breaking the Code" by Changing Seas, a SouthFlorida PBS production. Thanks to student sponsors (Axel Stepan, Nic Mader, and Lisa Fast) 38 students from The Ideal School in Royal Palm Beach, The Gale Academy in West Palm, and FAU college students were in attendance, asking some great questions during the Q&A.
Research Associate and Wildlife Photographer, Bethany Augliere, donated a photo of "Shimmer", a juvenile dolphin, and was our event photographer for the evening. You'll see her photos posted on facebook.
There was a great variety and some amazing prizes in our raffle and silent auction! We received donations from: Ruth Petzold Photography, Focused on Nature, Bethany Augliere Wildlife Photography, Diver's Alert Network, Craft Beer City, Changing Seas, Lojo Sports, Bolay, Scuba Works, Lane Spa, CUR Salt Spa, PRP Wine, Mindquest Escape Rooms, Island Exposure, and more! Congratulations to all of the winners!
The entire episode which premiered during this event, "Dolphins: Breaking the Code" can be viewed online: www.changingseas.tv/season-10/dolphins-breaking-the-code/
View photos in this video!
Wild Ocean Science